Caminar Technologies


Audit and Monitoring


Audit and Monitoring

Your network and data infrastructure is the highway by which the data your company interacts with flows. Ensuring that the highway is up and running is crucial to making sure your end users can send and receive information necessary to your business processes. More importantly, being notified of when that highway is down is critical to a recovery response. Caminar provides the following features for the auditing and monitoring of your network environment: 

– Management
– Monitoring
– Service health checks
– Alert and incident response
– Operating System (OS) updates
– Managed backups
– Managed Disaster Recovery
– Endpoint protection (anti-virus/anti-malware)
– Daily, weekly, or monthly reporting
– Service requests support


While auditing and monitoring sound similar there is a stark difference. The monitoring of your environment is primarily done by either you the customer or 3rd party vendor that is responsible for the monitoring of your network like Caminar Technologies. However, an audit is primarily down by an individual or entity that is not responsible for the process such as a regulatory compliance body or a 3rd party cyber security firm. Audits ensure that the monitoring of your environment is working correctly and is up to industry standards.


The response times concerning each service or feature provided will vary depending on your SLA agreement, but we work diligently to ensure you are notified as promptly as possible regarding any potentially critical events such as a down firewall or unresponsive server. Being that we are vendor agnostic, we can setup a wide variety of tools to help monitor your network some of which contain built-in policies for different regulatory requirements already baked into the deployment. 

Auditing and monitoring are similar in their approach to gathering evidence and reporting, but they have different purposes and can be used in different contexts:
  • Monitoring
    A quality control tool that ensures that policies and procedures are in place and being followed, and that activities are being carried out as planned. Monitoring can be real-time and ongoing, and can involve continuous data analysis. For example, in clinical trials, monitoring ensures that the trial protocol, guidelines, and ethics documents are followed to maintain the safety of volunteers.
  • Auditing
    A quality assurance activity that determines if a monitoring program is operating as it should, and if policies, procedures, and controls are adequate and effective. Audits are more formal than monitoring and can be done at any time, either ad hoc or for a specific purpose. Audits often rely on established sampling methodologies and transaction testing.